How to shift parallel realities

All the metaphysical jargon about parallel realities simplified! This post serves as a basis for future posts and is super interesting, so I recommend starting here.



6/17/20248 min read

What are parallel realities?

The deeper you understand parallel realities, the more effectively you can apply the Law to live the life you would like to experience. It's not just a fun sci-fi theory! I wish I knew the big picture of how manifestation works before jumping into it, so I am giving you the gift of this foundational knowledge now. We all know it can be hard to "just believe" without knowing why haha. Besides, wouldn't you be interested to know how this reality works?

Pretty much all of us are raised to believe what our human senses tell us about reality. Each one of us has a past, a present experience, and stuff we are waiting to experience in the future. We all share this one reality since the beginning of time. Life just happens to us.

As I have come to understand reality, I see that time is an illusion. Past and future are illusions. Having one, shared reality is an illusion. I do not mean to upset or confuse anybody. Allow me to illustrate what I mean.

Parallel realities are simply every possible reality happening all at once. If you can imagine your life a certain way, there is a parallel reality where it is happening now. There are infinite versions of you living infinite lives alongside your current experience. It's the same for every person. Every possible perspective of the universe can encounter every possible circumstance.

There are parallel realities where…

• I never wrote this post

• You never read this post

• You don't have enough money

• You are wealthy

• You are single

• You are in a relationship

• You have a health condition

• You are perfectly healthy

• You wore a different outfit today

• You're breathing in

• You're breathing out

• Etc

We both meet at the reality where I wrote this post and you're reading it because who we are is a match to this knowledge :)

Through your human senses, you can only experience one parallel reality at a time. Each parallel reality is a frozen frame. You are shifting in and out of realities billions of times per second. This is what creates the sensation that time is passing. In reality, there is only the now moment and the current frame that you are experiencing. The past, future, and all potential pasts and futures are all happening now alongside your current frame. If you turn right, there is a parallel reality where you turned left that continues on. Everything you ever have experienced, will experience and will never experience has already happened before your birth, in a sense! Because it's all now!

You see the reality that reflects who you are aware of being. If you are aware of being loved and wealthy, that's the reality you are going to see. The unloved and poor versions of you are still continuing in their own parallel realities. You just can't see them because you're not being that person.

Your life is like an old movie reel where it seems like one continuous flow when played in a projector. When the reel is unspooled, you can see it is really a series of still frames. Each frame is disconnected from the next, yet they clearly exist all at the same time. Just like the frames of a film, each reality does not influence each other.

You can also think of parallel realities like different TV channels. They all exist at the same time, but you can only watch the one you resonate with. For example, if you identify with "I am healthy" then you've just used your remote control to select the channel where you experience being in excellent health. Therefore, you will experience great health in your everyday life.

Shifting realities is essentially choosing one frame out of the infinite for yourself to experience. Once you declare which frame you resonate with, you are immediately on the timeline that will take you from the frame you're on to the final frame of your choosing.

Imagine declaring "I am with my SP," and the next time you blink, you feel them in the bed next to you. That would be super weird! It would also get pretty boring to see every single desire in the next moment. Blink and see the money in the bank account. Blink and you're already in the hotel of your dream vacation. If reality worked like this, we would not bother with books, teachers, gurus, or techniques. We incarnated in this life in order to enjoy the fun, unexpected ways our chosen desires unfold, so just enjoy the process!

This is the most important thing to know about shifting to any reality: The only person who is in control of which reality you occupy is you. Even if you can interact with other creators in your reality, you only see the version of them that fits into the reality you choose. Essentially, even if others appear to be in the room with you, you are the only one in the room. They have no creative power in your life. If you're aware that everyone treats you well, that's what you're going to experience. You will meet everyone's "good side," even from people who you've had a rocky relationship with so far.

They also interact with their version of you in their own reality experience. You have no idea what version of you they're aware of in their experience, so don't worry about it. The only version of them you'll ever interact with is based on your own definitions and beliefs of them.

How to shift to your desired reality

Step 1

View your current reality as only one possibility out of infinite others. This one is not more real or probable than the desirable realities. You don't have to stay here.

Remember the big picture that you are all realities, so you wouldn't want to eliminate any one of them. There are no good or bad realities. There are only realities you choose to experience and those you don't. They all must exist or else infinity wouldn't be infinity. You would not be you! So accept this reality as having a right to exist even if you no longer choose to live here.

You never need to push against or repress the current reality in order to claim the new one. Pushing against this reality only means that you continue to believe in its truth and power. When you claim the new reality, you no longer occupy this one even if the circumstances look similar. This reality will fade when you no longer accept it as true for you.

Step 2

Identify as the person who is in the reality you prefer. For example, declare "I am with my SP" or "I am perfectly wealthy." Know that this is true for you and that is the reality you are really living in. That's your only job, really. Remember: all versions of you in all realities are happening now, and they are just as real as the one you can see, touch, and hear. You aren't trying to become that person. That version of you only exists now, so you can only experience it now. So allow yourself to be it now. You are all versions, so you must also be your preferred version. As soon as you decide that you are that person, you are that person, and the outside world (3D reality) must reflect your choice soon. Realities and people have no creative power to keep themselves in your life. Nobody can take away what you claim for yourself because you are the only source of your life!

Step 3

Continue to know that you really are the person you prefer to be. When you think of your desire, it should feel like a done deal. It always was here waiting for you to occupy the reality where it is true. This is what "living in the end," "it is done," "being in the vortex," and "feeling it real" truly mean. There is nothing else to do. You already occupy the timeline of your preferred reality, but it may take some time before you see the final reveal in the 3D. You know you've really made up your mind when you think about your desire and you feel peace, resting in the knowing there is no outside force that opposes your truth.

Be assured that all actions you take and events are part of the unfolding of your desire. Even if it appears that life is giving you the opposite of what you want, know that it must be leading up to the final reveal. As soon as you decided to be that person who has or is what you want, every single thing you experience is leading you to your chosen frame. As long as you persist in your knowing, every action you take is the right one. The key thing is to not let anything make you change your mind to "I am not what I desire yet." Circumstances just are. The meaning you give them is up to you, so make everything mean you are on the perfect trajectory to your ideal circumstance.

You might ask: If everything is happening now, then why do I have to wait for my desire to unfold? Please let me explain, because this confusion caused me to feel so many frustrations and delays.

Your chosen reality is happening right now. It is true right now because you are aware of occupying that reality where what you desire is already here. However, the 3D reality often does not reflect instantaneously to your declaration. Remember: you can only perceive one slide of parallel reality at a time, so it's going to feel like it takes a while before you see it in front of you. As soon as you declare you're the person who has or is what you desire, you are on the timeline where your desire is guaranteed to appear at the end of that timeline. A timeline is a series of parallel realities you will pass through on your way to the final frame that you chose.

That's what I mean by it is already happening now. Because you are watching it happen through the timeline you chose to experience your desired end! The timeline cannot be separated from your chosen end, so feel free to enjoy the whole thing!

Think of shifting realities like choosing what movie you want to watch. You already know how the movie ends, but you have no idea what will happen in the middle. Yet, the beginning, middle, and end of the movie are inseparable. You must watch it the whole way though in order to see the end. The protagonist will go through ups and downs, and it may appear that all odds are stacked against them. Just because something bad happens, you do not get upset and turn the movie off in the middle. You know the main character gets everything in the end, so you watch how the middle of the movie unfolds with curiosity. The uncertainty makes the movie entertaining!

Like in the movie example, you can relax and know that every moment of your life is unfolding to your desired end. You know that everything that appears to contradict your desire is actually part of the logistics of you having what you want.

Select your desired reality and watch it unfold. Be still and know that all the people and things "out there" are just reflecting your selection because you are the only creative power. That's all you have to do. So relax and enjoy your favorite movies!